Home The Podcast That Rocked Top Billboard Rock Songs Of 2021 | The Podcast That Rocked

Top Billboard Rock Songs Of 2021 | The Podcast That Rocked

The Podcast That Rocked for 12/21/21. Talk about the year-end Billboard list for the Top 50 Mainstream Rock Songs. 

Top Billboard Rock Songs Of 2021
The Podcast That Rocked on Spotify

Click here for the full list:
Billboard Year-End Mainstream Rock Songs

The Billboard year-end charts are out and just like the past few years with rock, there has been a lot of repetition for the FM radio darlings as well as bands that have already been established for decades. I can honestly say though that there were some newer names throughout the list and that was a good surprise. I hope that FM/Satellite/Online radio continues to show light on newer acts. Along with that, I’ll take 2021’s list over 2020’s any day as I feel it was stronger and had better variety.

We’ll be making a video for the main YouTube channel talking about the Top 10 songs of the year-end list so subscribe to get notified when that is out (within the next few weeks).

The road to 100K subscribers continues so here’s hoping the channel can continue to grow quickly over the next few months. We’ll have more streams coming on Twitch as well over the holiday break so check those out when we go live. Other than that, thank you all for the continued support for the channel, Patreon, Twitch, and everything else. Have a great holiday if you are celebrating, and be careful out there as we are still in the middle of the health crisis.

Click here for our list of the
Top 10 BEST Albums Of 2021!

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