Metal fanbases can be intense, but which band has the worst? We asked AI and received a list of the Top 10 WORST Metal Fanbases (from Google Bard).
Metal fans. They can be passionate, loyal, aggressive, tribal, annoying, supportive, well-informed, misinformed, and at times unwashed. And that’s just in general, overarching terms. When you look at individual fanbases of metal bands, you discover a lot of unique qualities. Unique is a nice way to say it.
I hopped on Google Bard and typed: List off the top 10 worst fanbases of metal bands and give reasoning. Bardy got vicious, descriptive, repetitive, and confusing, but he gave his list. Click below to watch.
No band has a perfect fanbase, that especially goes for metal bands. The bigger a band gets, the more likely it’ll attract an occasional psychopath or weirdo. It’s when a band is known for having problematic fans that a group may want to step back and say “Maybe we should address how some fans are awful, so it shapes up the rest of them.”
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From Google Bard: “It’s important to note that not all fans of these bands are bad. There are many great and supportive fans out there who just love the music. However, these are some of the most notorious fanbases in metal, and they can be a turn-off for some people.”