Russian deathcore destroyers, SLAUGHTER TO PREVAIL have dropped their latest display of unbridled, unapologetic and unrelenting brutality in the shape of thrash-tinged new single, “Conflict” today. Out now on Sumerian Records, the track can be streamed HERE and the official music video can be viewed HERE or bellow.
Slaughter To Prevail released their debut EP, ‘Chapters Of Misery‘ in 2016 and followed with their debut full-length album, ‘Misery Sermon‘ in 2017. They released stand alone singles “Agony” and “Demolisher” in 2019 and 2020 respectively, followed by their second full-length, Kostolom, released in 2021 to huge critical acclaim with Revolver describing the album as “one bloody deathcore barrage after another” when including it on their 25 Best Albums Of 2021 list and Metal Injection stating that “Kostolom proves that Slaughter to Prevail can get hooky without getting wimpy”. Kostolom spawned massive hit singles “Baba Yaga” and “Zavali Ebalo“.
They released anti-war anthem ‘1984‘ in August of 2022 to oppose Russia’s war on Ukraine. The video for which has racked up 3.1 million views and over 13 million Spotify streams. They followed this with the release of track “Viking” in 2023 which was debuted on their US headline tour to much excitement and acclaim from fans. The video for the track currently has 5.8 milllion views and 10 million Spotify streams.
The band are one of the most popular and heavily featured bands within the YouTube ‘reacts’ community, on account of vocalist Alex Terrible‘s insane vocal abilities and his own YouTube channel which has over 1.16 million subscribers.
To date, the band have clocked up an impressive 971.1 million cross-platform streams.
Expect more from Slaughter To Prevail soon.
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