Home Photos Photos: HELLYEAH at Chicago Open Air in Chicago, IL 7/16/2017

Photos: HELLYEAH at Chicago Open Air in Chicago, IL 7/16/2017

Photos of HELLYEAH at Chicago Open Air.  All photos taken by Luke Spencer in Chicago, IL on July 16, 2017.

While on stage between songs Chad Gray took to the mic and said, “This is a place where we all belong.  There are no freaks or outsiders because we ALL are freaks and outsiders.”  It was at that moment Gray encouraged over 20,000 fans to high five each other and the crowd quickly started doing so and afterward applauded.  It was a unique moment to say the least.

Click on any photo below to open the gallery and scroll below the photos to watch special video for the live experience of HELLYEAH’s “Love Falls”.