Home Photos Photos: AT THE DRIVE-IN at SHAKY KNEES in Atlanta, GA on 5/15/2016

Photos: AT THE DRIVE-IN at SHAKY KNEES in Atlanta, GA on 5/15/2016

Photos of At The Drive-In at Shaky Knees in Atlanta, GA.  All photos taken by Luke Spencer on May 15, 2016.

At The Drive-In was one of the two bands to close out the festival on Sunday May 15th.  After the news of the band reforming for a tour and possible new music (although Ward has bowed out), this seemed almost like an impossibility that people could hear At The Drive-In again.  But they arrived, and they played, and they delivered.

In an interesting note, after the first song Cedric looked right at me and got on the mic and said “Nice camera!  What kind is it?”  I shouted “NIKON!” and he said “Awesome”.  He then walked over to Omar and introduced him to the crowd as Puerto Rican Bernie Sanders, and told the band “Cosmonaut”.

It was one of the best days I’ve had in doing convert photography and live coverage, and this band was one of the main reasons why.  If you are looking for a blast from the past you can watch their music video from 2000 for One-Armed Scissor by clicking here = “One-Armed Scissor” by At The Drive-In