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Album Review: Dream Theater – The Astonishing

Dream Theater tell a tale of the rebellion to save music through a 34 track rock opera.


Regretting The Past: Good Charlotte – The Young And The Hopeless

Bad Charlotte!  That’s a bad, bad Charlotte!


Album Review: Megadeth – Dystopia

Mustaine and company return with Megadeth’s 15th studio album: Dystopia.



Text Review:

When one of the big four releases a new album it instantly gets the attention of everyone in the metal community.  And when your band reaches back to 1983, you have quite the reputation to live up to.  Even with a legacy of over a dozen studio albums ranking from legendary to confusing, you’d have to be in a coma as a metal fan to not get interested about a new Megadeth album.

Dystopia marks the 15th album from Mustaine and Ellefson, bringing in new members Loueiro and Adler.  After 20+ years you might wonder how a person or group of people can stay focused on something they think is worth the effort AND something to be proud of.  And while the band’s previous release Super Collider left a warzone of mixed reviews, Dystopia looks to be a completely different beast.

And when it comes to thrash and speed there are few topics that can fit better than that of a destroyed and fruitless future.  When asked about the direct theme of the new album, Mustaine said to Team Rock online: “People have manners and morals – but lately there’s been a decline in how people treat one another. That’s where Dystopia comes in. If people start loving each other and helping those in need – then when that becomes more important than power, fame or money then I think we’re going to be okay.”

And several months ago we were given the title track to this post-apocalyptic soundtrack.  While everyone was wondering with concern on what the new Megadeth album style would be, fear was cast completely aside with a both a sigh of relief and a jolt of excitement when we heard Mustaine and company shred an epic of an album introduction.

The title track is the deep based high riffed staple of a song that most people crave from Megadeth.  When you hear this song for the first time it becomes the refreshing moment of realization that Megadeth still has a fire under them. Even with the bridge into a side track a little over half way into the track, Dystopia truly has the identity of Megadeth at their best.

Lyrically, this song is instantly memorable after hearing just a few lines.  It’s reminiscent of T.S. Elliot’s The Wasteland.  You can take separate lines out of the song and get a grim image of what Dystopia represents and Megadeth just amplifies it in this song.  Dystopia kicks down the door, drags you by the throat and drops your head right next to the speaker and you are unable to move.

Throughout the album you will notice a change in speed.  Dystopia the album starts out with the pedal to the floorboard and after half way though the tracks slow down slightly.  But it’s in those moments of lower sound do you realize just how deep and brutal Megadeth still are, even in 2016.

Songs like the Title Track, The Emperor, Fatal lllusion and The Threat Is Real are the ones that stand out the most on Dystopia.  They show what Megadeth are best at in frantic fretwork and fast paced grumbling bass with Mustaine giving his signature grunge like voice in a metalfest.

While the album does slowdown in the center a bit and the ending track leaves on a bit of a cliffhanger instead of a burning moment, Dystopia more than makes up for it on a majority of the songs you will hear.  This album will demand your attention when you hear it from the very first listen and it will leave an imprint on you making you want to replay many of these songs as soon as they are over.

When Mustaine sings and shreds throughout an album filled with dour and grim topics, it should put you in a bad mood.  But in reality, Dystopia leaves you feeling alive after listening to it, not least of reasons being that Megadeth still knows how to deliver something strong 23 years after their beginning.

Overall, Megadeth has proven that Dystopia is a future worth living in.  While it may not be perfect, the songs that stand out will make owning this album worth every cent you pay.  Forget about the past misfires of Super Collider and Risk, and embrace this Dystopian future.  It’s the album from Megadeth that many of us can get behind.

Photos: GALLOWS BOUND in Jacksonville, FL

It’s hard to describe a band when you hear their description as Appalachian Punk, but once you see Gallows Bound live and listen to their music you instantly understand the label.  Now on their first national tour supporting their sophomore self-titled album, these six Virginians are attempting win over crowds one plucked string at a time.

Gallows Bound is currently on tour and you can see their music video for “Sink In The Soil” below.  Also below are some live shots of their performance in Jacksonville, FL.

Album Review: Panic! At The Disco – Death Of A Bachelor

Brendon Urie returns with catchy new lyrics and charismatic flair in Death Of A Bachelor.



Text Review:

Whether you are a fan of pop rock and all its fancy presentation and romantic hooks, you cannot deny the musical talent of Brendon Urie and company.  And while Urie now stands as the only remaining member of the band, the panic still continues nationwide with consistent touring that leaves behind a trail of screaming women.

One of the biggest contributing factors to the success of Panic! At The Disco over the years is that the music has been willing to adapt over the years.  Every album since their most well known album A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out, has involved taking steps to further the sound and introduce something creative and new while still holding true to what made the name famous.

The unique lyrics in both story and dialogue format from an amazing vocalist behind extremely catchy rhythms has cemented the band in many listeners long term memories along with a name as memorable as Panic! At The Disco.  So almost three years after their most previous release we are given more tragedies and memorable songs with Death Of A Bachelor.

And while many songs from the new album were released well before the album’s debut, Brendon Urie is still in a constant state of eagerness to deliver new material.  In an interview Urie stated: “I’m just excited to show people this album because it’s so different. I don’t know how to describe it. Someone asked me which of our previous albums is it most like, and I said the first album…We’d never done anything remotely close to that before, and that’s how I feel now. That’s how it felt when I was writing this record.” –Brendon Urie

With the eagerness from Urie and all the songs already presented from Death Of A Bachelor, there seems to be more than enough hype for Panic!’s fifth full album.

Hallelujah was the first look at Death Of A Bachelor and once again showcases both the singing talents and writing of Brendon Urie.  And while both of those characteristics are impressive, their first single does lack that certain punch.  It feels much more generic with what sounds like stock music playing and a chorus that surrounds a single word, destined to be a live event sing-a-long.

It is a matter of taste and this song has already proven to be a hit on radio play, but when hearing about the overwhelming excitement to show new music, this song somewhat left me uninspired.  It wasn’t until months later when more songs started coming out that I realized there was much more to get behind in Death Of A Bachelor.

Even if the band is now virtually a one man band with backing musicians, it’s the lyrics and vocals that are the starring attraction of this album.  In many ways the lead instrument is the singing voice of Urie with symbols and guitar riffs providing accompaniment.  The fortunate side of that trait is that many songs beyond Hallelujah deliver on that talent successfully.

Songs like Don’t Threaten Me With A Good Time and LA Devotee stand out more as having a rhythm to work with the vocals.  These are the songs that carry this album and make Death Of A Bachelor stand out.  There are more creative elements in these songs along with horn heavy tracks like Crazy = Genius and The Good, The Bad and The Dirty.  It’s these tracks that aren’t so much the advertised singles to promote a voice, but rather the unique backbone that makes the album stand strong.

While not every moment of this album is solid gold, there are definitely gems on this album that are not only worthy of a best of album, but also songs that will stand the test of time as what Panic! At The Disco is all about.

It’s now been 10 years that Panic! At the Disco has been in the spotlight.  And as oddly confusing of a band name it may be, no one can deny the worldwide fan base and support that the music has and continues to receive.  This new album will receive that same support due to the talent involved and charisma coming from every second.

Overall, Death Of A Bachelor may not deviate too far from past music as many songs are instantly identifiable as Urie and company, but not only do the pros outweigh any cons on this album, but you will be singing along to many of these songs for a long time to come.

Album Review: Kataklysm – Serenity In Fire

A look back at Kataklysm’s 2004 album Serenity In Fire.



Album Review: Ignite – A War Against You

Orange County’s Hardcore-Punk heroes Ignite return after ten years with A War Against You.



Text Review:

In southern California, the hardcore punk scene will never die. Bands like Ignite are proof that some sounds won’t go out of style due to time, trends or the overall change of a sub-genre. And now in the beginning of 2016 the band returns with their first album in ten years.

Picking up where you left off is never an easy task when some much time has passed, but when it comes to Ignite they were more than up for the job. In several In The Studio videos posted on YouTube the band talked about recording and making the new album – and with that saying how they originally looked back at their previous album on what to work from, and THEN figured out what they wanted changed.

There have been many examples from different bands in the past throughout various sub-genres where the same album was presented with a new name every few years but in reality it’s the exact same song being repeated. But with twenty years of experience and a desire to build off what you have created previously, it’s hard to not appreciate Ignite’s effort as musicians and respect for fans.

Within the writing of A War Against You is a myriad of topics including bullying, corporate oppression and mass media.  Along with these subjects is a lack of subtlety as the determined message is screamed at you along with some extremely gritty rumbling and loud riffs. A War Against You in its most basic definition is not an album you can listen to softly and in the background.

To prove this point is one of the albums highlighted songs and the debuted SINGLE for the album’s release “This Is A War”. This song is the true representation of the SoCal Hardcore Punk scene and in many ways another banner anthem for Ignite.

The chorus of This Is A War and hearing the title screamed are the examples of proving what I meant about being music you cannot just listen to low in the background. Zoltan’s vocals flow from intense to melodic between the verses and chorus and the drum work is furious and drives this song at a loud pace.

At the two minute mark though there is a bridge that takes the tempo down and instead of carrying the track forward it feels like it delays it. It makes this three and a half minute song feel longer than it is. Whether that is good or not is up for debate, but it makes the song have a odd disjoint when instead of space to pick up the volume or shred a guitar, there is an audible break.

The good news however is that after This Is A War is when things really start to pick up on the album. The real meat and worth of A War Against You is built within the center. It’s half way through the album you will be playing and realize you want to hear some of these tracks a second time due to their gritty bass lines and triumphant delivery.

You Saved Me is one of the examples in A War Against You that makes you sing along while being fully focused on everything going on in the track. The guitar riffs and fret work is fantastic and there is a dramatic buildup leading to the final chorus that makes this song feel like an enormous spectacle and a future concert staple for fans to get crazy with.

While there is some melody and shades of various genres of yesteryear like grunge and even hair metal, a large majority of this album is drenched in the punk and hardcore scene born long ago in Orange County. Songs like You Saved Me and Where I’m From stand as testaments to Ignite’s roots in both life and musical influences.

The punk scene used to be about standing up to the man in a brash and loud way. Somewhere along the years it changed to not being a perfect teenager and complaining about school. With bands like Ignite, it is very rewarding to hear the fire in a performance and music to have more substance and meaning about the world we live in.

Overall, A War Against You sees the return of a two decade name in good fashion. Even if not every song is an absolute barn burner, the replay button will be hit several times on many of these tracks while you shout along with the melody and madness that Ignite delivers.

Album Review: The Birthday Massacre – Superstition

A look back at The Birthday Massacre’s 2014 album Superstition.



A look back at my favorite rock, metal and alternative albums of 2015!


If you are upset about my choices and want to fill out the form about how you feel, click here = http://imgur.com/wMedCrN


Click here for my favorite albums of 2014 = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWleRcq9ly4

Click here to see Mike Gets Revenge = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrlNxLJ2hJI

Click here to see Mike Finds True Love = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuxcpD_AEdw


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