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Patreon Q&A #2

The second informal Q&A for my patrons on Patreon!

You can join in on the questions for only $2 a month!  Click here = Rocked on Patreon

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Big thanks to Victoria Tobin for the Title Card work! Hit here up online to get your own work done by her!


All Time Favorite Albums: Deftones – White Pony

A series looking at my all-time favorite albums.  This video is dedicated to Deftones’ 2000 album White Pony.

Please Like, Comment, and Subscribe! = Rocked on YouTube

You can purchase this album on Amazon or stream it for free on Amazon Prime here = Deftones’ “White Pony” on Amazon

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Album Review: Red Hot Chili Peppers – The Getaway

Red Hot Chili Peppers enlist the help of Danger Mouse to shake things up in the band’s eleventh full album.



Text Review:

The Red Hot Chili Peppers have virtually done everything there is to do in the world of music and made an impression on even the least interested of music fans.  From performing virtually naked to a Superbowl halftime performance to a discography of now 11 full albums since 1984, the Chili Peppers have become a household name and a band that EVERYONE knows of.  But after 2011’s commercial disappointment I’m With You, the band make a choice to push for something different.  Even Flea when on record saying that they were doing the same things they had always done.  So after an unfortunate setback with Flea being injured in a snowboarding accident, the band pushed for something different and enlisted the help of Brian “Danger Mouse” Burton to bring a new pair of eyes and ears to the music writing.

Going back to Flea’s statement of the band doing the same thing, longtime fans of Red Hot Chili Peppers can be somewhat divided.  One fanbase continue to hope for a more funk based revival of the 80’s and early 90’s, while the other fanbase wants the more mellow and soulful tracks that have been given through the 90’s and early 2000’s.   In The Getaway, we have a new producer helping the band with a new recording style where each member played their part over the drum track individually rather than all of the group jamming together in studio for days on end.  That paired with the idea of trying to do something different as opposed to the same song and dance the band has been accustomed to for many years, it could lead to endless possibilities in what we hear.  It was on May 5th of this year that we were given the first listen on the Red Hot Chili Pepper’s first album since 2011 with the song Dark Necessities, that eventually became the band’s 25th top ten single on Billboard’s top alternative chart.  It was something refreshing, unique, and what many people were not expecting to come from the group.

Dark Necessities is an extremely mellow song that is fine-tuned and mastered gorgeously.  Flea’s bass is deep and clean while the added piano keys mesh well to balance the track.  Anthony Keidis doesn’t go on a random location or name tangent and it all sounds peaceful while still having a rhythm that moves.  The chorus featuring the backup vocals and hearing Keidis’ singing the title along with the guitar solo from Josh Klinghoffer put the exclamation point on the song.  I was extremely excited to hear the rest of the new album after this song was released as were many listeners.  As other songs like We Turn Red and the title track were then released to the public, it slowly became clear what the main feature of this album would be.  The days of fast and loud funk inspired alternative rock are going to be rarely heard outside of tracks like We Turn Red and Detroit.  The Getaway is an album that has a slower pace than both longtime Chili Pepper fans and new comers will expect.  That is not a knock on the album’s direction or quality of the music, but  as you listen from beginning to end you quickly figure out that the Chili Pepper’s latest album is a much more tranquil and mellow experience than what the band was known for decades prior.

Detroit and We Turn Red are the two tracks that have a shade of the original energetic and brash days of the band but even then the songs are still tame.  Whether it is age that has finally mellowed the sock wearing dynamos or it really is the focus of the band to not get too loud or fired up, The Getaway feels much like a quiet vacation and may not be something that everyone has the urge to listen to.  There are the memorable staples that are featured in the album like the occasional “Hey Oh” from Keidis in “Goodbye Angels” and the standard loving references to California, but a majority of this album is one smooth transition to another.  While nothing is offensive or harsh sounding, there isn’t much that is memorable.  After 54 minutes, you forget many of the songs you’ve heard and don’t have much desire to replay them.

The Getaway is ambitious and after the setbacks and changes the group made to finally create the album, there is a certain appreciation that has to be given.  After listening to many tracks though and getting past a stellar track like Dark Necessities, you realize that the album isn’t something worth writing home about.  While definitely not bad, it also won’t blow anyone away.  Overall, Red Hot Chili Peppers deliver a tightly produced and well played Getaway that may feel a bit too long and uninteresting at points.  While the high points stand out well, it may not be the fantastic return to form that many fans were hoping for.  It’s an okay listening experience, but in the end it’s just okay.



Photos of Frank Turner & The Sleeping Souls live in Orlando, FL.  All photos taken by Luke Spencer at The Beacham on 6-11-2016.

Frank Turner performed for over an hour on a co-headlining tour with Gogol Bordello that also supported his latest album Positive Songs For Negative People.  During the performance, Frank called a lucky audience member up to play a harmonica solo (Dmitri the fan nailed it) and then addressed how good the crowds in the Unites States are.  He then added that if we in the US want our favorite bands from UK, France and other nations outside of the US, then we “can never vote that m*****f***** as President” in reference to Fuhrer Trump.

You can purchase Frank Turner’s newest album on Amazon by clicking here = Frank Turner – “Positive Songs For Negative People”

Album Review: Tool – 10,000 Days

A look back at Tool’s 2006 album 10,000 Days.



Text Review:

In this Patreon requested album review I was asked to look back at Tool’s (as of now) most recent release 10,000 Days.  With everyone currently in the cyclical uproar about the possibility of a new Tool album finally coming out this or next year along with consistent touring the band has done in 2016, there is reason for anticipation.  On top of that, it has now been over a decade since the latest Tool album.   10,000 Days, coming FIVE years after the bands previous work Lateralus, sold over half a million copies on its first week of release, received two Grammy nominations and won a Grammy for best recording package.  This album was highly praised from day one and still continues to receive attention for the craft and work included.

Many people that see, hear and try to understand the concepts that Tool produce are usually left in a whirlwind of information, but in some cases they aren’t as complicated if broken down.  For starters, the term 10,000 days is roughly the time it takes for Saturn to orbit around the sun, but is also described by Maynard James Keenan as: “(10,000 Days is) the time when you are presented the opportunity to transform from whatever your hang-ups were before to let the light of knowledge and experience lighten your load, so to speak, and let go of old patterns and embrace a new life.”

Self-reflection and embracing the future is always an admirable trait, but when you add in the progressive and guttural style of Tool in an album that spans over 70 minutes, it can be a lot to take in.  In the case of 10,000 Days though, it’s worth the experience.  You are going to be getting much more with your money and time in an album that takes its time to build a setting and atmosphere where music like this can live.  But whether you are playing the album from beginning to end or just listening to a specific song, it still feels in every way unique that you are listening to Tool and that there is nothing else like this band and what they can create.

Vicarious was one of three songs featured on radio play that could actually be played as singles.  I say that in a sense because people want to hear Tool on the radio but playing an eleven minute song just isn’t always feasible.  But even a song like Vicarious at seven minutes can be shortened down and still come out beautifully.  Just from the opening guitar riffs and the first verse worth of lyrics you get the feeling that Tool lives in a world all their own.  Keep in mind that 10,000 Days was five years after Lateralus, but even after several years worth of waiting it’s amazing to hear the first couple minutes of a 70 plus minute album and you get the exact same emotions pulled from a band like they picked up where they left off.

My impression with 10,000 Days from the first time I listened years ago and still today is that it feels very bass and drum heavy and that works to the album’s advantage.  It’s rhythmic and deep which helps Maynard’s higher vocals stand out.  The songs feel connected this way and everything flows fluidly from track to track, regardless if it’s a heavier or softer song.

When I first listened to the album back in 2006 from the beginning it was when I got to the title track that I was sold.   It’s almost hypnotic in a way that you are sucked into a slow rhythm and then after five minutes you are on the edge of your seat listening to Maynard get louder and the guitar coming in strong into a pounding heavy sequence just to melt back into a slow burn with Maynard softly closing out the track and Jones strumming a few notes.

While the songs that hit hard like Jambi and The Pot really stand as a testament that Tool is metal, it’s the ones that have an ambience and a pulse that reach out to me personally.  Just like Tool’s albums before, 10,000 Days has these moments also that carry the album in a direction that most people who aren’t familiar with the band would never expect.

The last three tracks of the album starting with Intension are the moments that I think set bands like Tool and A Perfect Circle on a top tier for me.  They can take their time and draw the melody with their instruments and vocals into something that feels almost terrestrial in that it is so natural sounding.  While I still prefer Lateralus as a complete album, 10,000 Days still is undeniably an experience that needs to be heard – whether in parts or in one long listen.  The fleeting moments that may not mesh as well or don’t hold the listener’s interest fail in comparison to the rest of an enormous feat that is this well detailed album.

It’s been 10 years since the last Tool album, and it feels like after each subsequent release the wait grows longer and more unbearable.  The one saving grace is that Tool has delivered every time after the wait.  If all the current touring and rumors lead to something new, then we may be finally getting something legendary in the process with an upcoming album.  As for Tool’s most recent album, 10,000 Days is another example of just how creative and in their own world a band can become.  Whether it’s the high volume or slow brooding you are looking for, this album will have something to offer you in an over 70 minute album, and every minute feeling unique.

Album Review: I See Stars – Treehouse

How much does I See Stars’ style change in their new album Treehouse?



Text Review:

When a band changes style, regardless of the reason, it can be a make or break point for many listeners.  After several years and albums, a band may change their sound whether intentionally or for unexpected reasons.  Many times when this happens it is also a make or break moment for the members of the band as well to see if they can continue with their career under the same name.

Since 2006 I See Stars has been a six piece group but as of last year the group has parted ways on seemingly good terms with long time members Zach Johnson and Jimmy Gregerson.  The group now is a four piece unit with an occasional touring member.  The big shakeup in this is the now vacant spot of unclean vocals from Johnson.  Singing duties are now shouldered solely by Devin Oliver.

Going from a heavy, brash and electronica based metalcore style to one with much more melody and focus on an electronic beat is a major shift.  While many people may get a sensory shock on their first listen when they’ve heard past works from I See Stars, the truth is that the band has already used all of these elements before.  This isn’t totally uncharted territory for the band.

Now in 2016 we have the next chapter entitled Treehouse from I See Stars and the first album since 2013, which is also the largest gap between albums for the band.  There are many arguments that can be made in that that much time off can help or hinder a band, or a significant format and lineup change could eventually cause former listeners to leave the new music behind or only compare it to the music when the band had past members.

We were first given a look into the new album Treehouse in February 2016, but it wasn’t until May that we received a real sample of what I See Stars has been working on and what the new direction will reflect going forward.  In all its electronicore glory with heavy guitar riffs and EDM beats, it can’t be argued that I See Stars is getting creative.

Running With Scissors is the best indicator of style for what to expect on Treehouse.  There are definitely heavy moments in the track but for a majority of the song it is a much more melodic and rhythmic experience highlighted by a well sung chorus in front of some electronic vibes.  The song flows very well and has a great range in going from high volume to low at the right times.

One of the main comments people will make however is the lack of screaming and unclean vocals.  Rather, people may wonder what songs like Running With Scissors would sound like if unclean vocals were also used.  It’s a fair question, but it ignores the fact that a song like this has a lot of great elements and works well on many levels.

There are many songs on Treehouse with the same structure of a quick burst of volume through guitars, drums or a dance beat, but it’s then softened with the vocals of Devin Oliver.  This creates a progression in each song that sounds unique and natural.  In tracks like Running With Scissors, Yellow King, White Lies and Break, you understand the style and format of the band and how they make it work.

It feels like a seamless transition between the chaotic EDM effects to the rock scene where everything feels connected.  In a way the band has replaced the unclean vocals and screaming with more techno drops and beats while the overall mood throughout the album seems softer.  This mainly due to the vocals now being fully melodic, and it works to this album’s advantage.

There are a couple songs that may not be as played as much due to specific moments, such as All In which feels a bit forced and repetitive or Mobbin’ Out which has a majority of the track sounding like a crowded EDM club where the higher volume in the vocals clash with the electronic style, but these examples are few and don’t reflect the entire track each time.

This is a new venture for I See Stars and how they progress from here will depend greatly on their fans’ reception.  While their old works will still be highlighted and played, what comes in the future will now be a more melodic and rhythm based style.  In the case of 2016, there appears to be no real reason for concern.

Overall, while Treehouse does feel different from previous I See Stars albums, it still works on many levels and almost subconsciously makes you want to listen again as soon as some tracks are over.  If you keep an open mind or you’ve been a fan of the band for years, you’ll be more than satisfied with what you hear.


Voodoo Fest Lineup Announced – Headlined by Tool for Halloween Weekend Oct 28-30 in New Orleans


(New Orleans, LA – June 7, 2016) Voodoo Music + Arts Experience returns for its 18th edition
with a stacked lineup including headliners Tool, Arcade Fire and The Weeknd along with
performances from G-Eazy, The Chainsmokers, Band Of Horses, Cage the Elephant, Kevin
Gates, Die Antwoord, Foals, Porter Robinson, Carnage and many more. Over 65 bands will
perform on four stages, bringing fans the ultimate Halloween weekend October 28-30 from New
Orleans’ City Park.

Voodoo Fest Lineup

With an exciting lineup including newcomers and established favorites, Voodoo Music + Arts
Experience continues its legacy of delivering diverse performances that span multiple genres.
Anderson .Paak & The Free Nationals, Reignwolf, Melanie Martinez, Wild Belle and Bully will lead
the way for artist discovery alongside Sean Lennon and Les Claypool’s The Claypool Lennon
Delirium, Charles Bradley & His Extraordinaires and New Orleans’ own Preservation Hall Jazz

Excision, STS9, DJ Mustard, Party Favor, Lunice and more will bring the beats to the festival’s
day-to-night dance party, rounding out the eclectic roster.

View the full lineup: www.voodoofestival.com/lineup.

Voodoo Music + Arts Experience will also bring fans large-scale interactive art installations,
carnival rides, specialty beers from the Craft Beer Garden as well as authentic food options that
reflect the city’s world-class culinary culture, from local and regional restaurants including vegan,
vegetarian and gluten-free offerings.

3-Day General Admission Tickets ($140) and 3-Day Loa VIP Tickets ($400) are available today at
10am CT. Loa VIP Ticket holders will be treated to exclusive viewing areas at all four stages, a
dedicated express lane at the main entrance, air-conditioned restrooms and much more. For the
full list of amenities and to purchase tickets, visit www.voodoofestival.com/tickets. Payment plan
options are available during check out.

Fans can sign up for the Voodoo Tribe E-List to be the first to get new information at
www.voodoofestival.com and follow social media to stay in the loop for all festival
announcements. Facebook || Instagram || Twitter.

AFTERSHOCK FESTIVAL LINEUP ANNOUNCED – Tool & Avenged Sevenfold Lead Momentous Music Lineup October 22 & 23 In Sacramento, CA

Aftershock logo







An awe-inspiring, momentous music lineup led by iconic bands Tool (in a rare U.S. festival appearance) and Avenged Sevenfold has been unveiled for the fifth annual Monster Energy AFTERSHOCK, which returns to Sacramento, California’s Discovery Park Saturday, October 22 and Sunday, October 23.

California’s biggest rock festival will feature over 35 bands on three stages at Discovery Park, conveniently located near downtown Sacramento, where the American and Sacramento Rivers meet. The current daily music lineup for Monster Energy AFTERSHOCK is as follows:

Saturday, October 22: Tool, Slayer, Primus, Meshuggah, The Pretty Reckless, Anthrax, Baroness, Face To Face, Deafheaven, Motionless In White, Avatar, American Sharks, Whores, Twelve Foot Ninja, The Shrine, Aeges, Big Jesus

Sunday, October 23: Avenged Sevenfold, Korn, Disturbed, Puscifer, Chevelle, Ghost, Parkway Drive, The Amity Affliction, Zakk Sabbath, Max & Iggor Cavalera Return To Roots, Suicide Silence, Whitechapel, Ignite, Some Fear None, Silver Snakes

“We’re excited to give fans a once in a lifetime opportunity to see Tool, Avenged Sevenfold, Primus, Slayer, Korn, Disturbed and the rest of this great lineup all together during this special weekend. Discovery Park is such a unique venue that allows us to put on an experience on a grand scale, but in an intimate setting that sets AFTERSHOCK apart,” says Monster Energy AFTERSHOCK founder and producer Danny Wimmer of Danny Wimmer Presents.

Monster Energy AFTERSHOCK tickets go on sale Wednesday, June 8 at Noon PT at www.AFTERSHOCKConcert.com. Tickets are limited and will go fast. Fans are encouraged to buy early so they don’t miss out on the chance to see so many iconic rock bands at one American festival. See below for details.

In 2015, a sold-out crowd of 45,000 was in attendance at Monster Energy AFTERSHOCK to experience the best hard rock, metal and alternative artists, along with gourmet food trucks and extensive onsite experiences. Loudwire.com called the festival “one of the nation’s premier music events.” Elsewhere, Johnny Firecloud of CraveOnline.com noted, “…Aftershock has found a new thread, and the way they’re approaching the festival ecosystem may just defibrillate the soul of rock fests in America. They’re mixing vibrant alt rock colors into what was typically a monolithic skull-and-crossbones metal template of black on black, side-stepping the big-box corporate model and building peripheral excitement through on-site activities, enhanced Gourmet Man Food attractions and more” (February 18, 2016).

Monster Energy AFTERSHOCK tickets go on sale Wednesday, June 8 at Noon PT at www.AFTERSHOCKConcert.com. Tickets and VIP packages will initially be priced as follows (increasing in the coming weeks):

General Admission Weekend: $149.50

General Admission Single Day: $89.50

GA Weekend 4-Pack: $476.00

VIP Weekend: $279.50

VIP Single Day: $154.50

VIP Zippo 2-Packs: $679.00 (includes VIP amenities + 2 Monster Energy Aftershock 2016 commemorative Zippos)

VIP passes include: VIP entrance lanes into venue, shaded VIP hang area with seating for dining, seated and standing viewing area of main stage South (left), video screens featuring live feed from main stages inside VIP hang area, upgraded food and drink selections (for purchase), dedicated VIP restrooms, and a commemorative Monster Energy Aftershock 2016 laminate.

Specially priced hotel + festival ticket packages make planning for Monster Energy AFTERSHOCK as easy as possible. Visit http://aftershockconcert.com/tickets/#post-2994 for more info. Discounted online hotel rates are also available through Curadora at: https://curadora.com/events/aftershock-2016-44293b99/.

Monster Energy AFTERSHOCK is also offering a Park & Ride shuttle program this year, since parking at Discovery Park is extremely limited. Each Park & Ride ticket includes parking for your vehicle at Sleep Train Arena and a non-stop shuttle directly to the festival site. Festivalgoers are encouraged to carpool to Sleep Train Arena and save. For pricing and more details, visit www.AFTERSHOCKConcert.com.

Here’s a preliminary lists of onsite experiences and nonprofit organizations with a presence at Monster Energy Aftershock:

Monster Energy Experience/Sampling: Monster Energy will be keeping all fans fueled up and ready to rock by offering free sampling on their Monster Energy viewing deck. Enjoy Monster Energy drinks from one of the best seats in the house. Make sure to check back throughout the festival for a schedule of Monster Energy’s interactive artist experiences.

Facebook: facebook.com/monsterenergy

#monsterenergy #monstermusic

Jack Daniel’s Experience: “Taste of Tennessee” invites visitors to come out and tour the nation’s oldest registered distillery from outside the Jack Daniel’s Hollow. Visitors get to see (and smell) whiskey dripping slowly through charcoal and the new oak barrels used in maturing Tennessee’s finest whiskey. The Jack Daniel’s Experience is open to all fans, 21 years old and up, for tours free of charge.  Stop by the Jack Daniel’s Experience for interactive engagements throughout the weekend.

Facebook: facebook.com/jackdaniels

Instagram: @jackdaniels_us

#jackdaniels #BornToMakeWhiskey

The Music Experience: The Music Experience features all the elements that are involved in making music in a professional band setting. The interactive exhibit features guitars, basses, amps, drums, keyboards and electronic gear that are used by today’s most popular bands. The Music Experience has autograph signings and artist interactions throughout the day. Check Facebook and Instagram for the latest info on who will be hanging out at The Music Experience.

Facebook: facebook.com/themusicexp

Instagram: @tmexp

Dyin 2 Live / Fxck Cancer: The F C Cancer Foundation’s mission is to fight cancer by raising awareness and to educate about early cancer detection, ultimately putting an end to late stage cancer diagnosis. The Dyin 2 Live wish granting program looks to enrich the lives of those fighting cancer by offering them an experience that will bring joy, hope, inspiration, and courage into their lives. In doing this, the program hopes it can help give the cancer fighter a chance to forget, even if it’s only for a day, what they are battling. The hope is that it can be used as a source of inspiration to those needing a brighter day in their darkest hour.




Facebook: facebook.com/Dyin2LiveDREAMS or facebook.com/FxckCancerUSA

Instagram: @FxckCancer and @Dyin2LiveDreams

Coors Light Sports Bar: Coors Light, World’s Most Refreshing Beer, is proud to sponsor the Monster Energy AFTERSHOCK Festival. The Coors Light Sports Bar will be showing college football games on Saturday and NFL games on Sunday, courtesy of Coors Light and Sacramento’s KHTK Sports 1140 AM. Coors Light goes to great lengths to bring you the coldest, most refreshing beer. Please remember to drink responsibly.

Keep Golf Metal: Keep Golf Metal is a movement that encourages festival attendees to play a 9 hole putt putt course with PGA level golf clubs provided by Rife Putters and MasterFit Custom Golf Clubs. Keep Golf Metal also has apparel that features designs that fuse the rock and golf worlds together.

MAKE YOUR MARK Graffiti Zone: This interactive graffiti art installation will showcase multiple live demonstrations and will allow AFTERSHOCK artists and fans the chance to add to the exhibit.

Take Me Home Animal Rescue: Take Me Home is a not for profit, volunteer based foundation that has been saving the lives of homeless animals since 2001. Many families living in low-income areas cannot afford medical care, basic vaccinations, or spay/neuter surgeries for their companion animals. The donations raised help us to fund mobile veterinary hospitals to travel into these under-served areas to provide free spay and neuter, vaccinations, microchipping and administer medical care for animals in desperate need. Take Me Home also supports local animal charities. Come by the booth to help out our furry friends by buying a shirt, signed merchandise, and entering a raffle. Danny Wimmer, Founder, DWP, said, “DWP is proud to support various charities, giving them a national platform to promote their messages. We are particularly fond of Take Me Home, which advocates for animal adoption. I hope everyone stops by their booth and supports their fundraising efforts to help animals in need.” For more information, please visit: www.takemehome.tv.

Facebook: facebook.com/TakeMeHomeRescue

Instagram: @TakeMeHomeRescue

Twitter: @TMHRescue

Life Looks Good On You: Monster Energy AFTERSHOCK Festival has partnered with Sacramento County Department of Regional Parks for the Life Looks Good On You life jacket water safety campaign. Danny Wimmer Presents is pledging support with Monster Energy AFTERSHOCK alumni and DWP friends to create awareness for the Life Looks Good On You campaign. So far, music artists that have joined the efforts include Sacramento’s own Deftones, Rob Zombie, Disturbed, Five Finger Death Punch, Papa Roach, Pop Evil, and Avatar. Photos of band members wearing life jackets will be part of a social media campaign designed to encourage people to safely participate in water activities by sharing photos of themselves and friends wearing life jackets.



LTD (Living The Dream) Foundation: A portion of all Monster Energy AFTERSHOCK ticket fees will be donated to Living the Dream. LTD Foundation bridges the music industry together with fans who are fighting terminal illnesses by giving them All Access VIP experiences backstage with their favorite bands and artists.


Monster Energy AFTERSHOCK is produced by Danny Wimmer Presents, a producer of some of the biggest rock festivals in America, including Rock On The Range, Monster Energy Welcome To Rockville, Monster Energy Fort Rock, Monster Energy Carolina Rebellion, LOUDER THAN LIFE, Northern Invasion, Monster Energy Rock Allegiance, Chicago Open Air, Houston Open Air, and more.

Sponsors for Monster Energy AFTERSHOCK include: Monster Energy, Jack Daniel’s, Coors Light, The Music Experience, Keep Golf Metal, Sound Exchange, Thunder Valley Casino Resort, Fxck Cancer, Take Me Home, KHTK, 98Rock, and SoHo Concessions.

Website: www.AFTERSHOCKConcert.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/AFTERSHOCKFestival

Twitter:  http://twitter.com/AFTERSHOCKSAC



KORN Announces the ‘Nocturnal Underground Tour’ This Fall with Breaking Benjamin

Today, June 6, KORN has announced details for the “NOCTURNAL UNDERGROUND TOUR” where they will share co-headlining duties with Breaking Benjamin and will be joined by special guests Motionless In White and Silver Snakes.  Tickets go on-sale this Friday, June 10 in most markets via Ticketmaster. VIP packages will also be available.
The “NOCTURNAL UNDERGROUND” arena tour will kick off on September 24 at Scheels Arena in Fargo, ND taking KORN deep into the heart of America through late October. On this out, the band will pass through such markets as Omaha, Cedar Rapids, Charlotte, Biloxi, Tampa, Jacksonville, Tulsa and beyond.  In between, KORNwill appear at the Louder Than Life festival in Louisville, KY on October 2.  KORN‘s full tour routing-which also includes the Return of the Dreads Tour (their co-headlining trek with Rob Zombie this summer)-can be found below.
It’s no secret KORN have been hunkered down in the studio working on a new album, as Brian “Head” Welch told Billboard earlier this year, “We’re focusing on guitars and spending a lot of time on them.  It sounds really good, and I think it’s going to end up a heavier record.”  It’s quite possible new tracks will be heard this fall.
About KORN:
KORN built an immortal bond in 1993 the first time Jonathan Davis, James “Munky” Shaffer, Reginald “Fieldy” Arvizu, and Brian “Head” Welch decided to make music as a unit. They shed blood, sweat, and tears in the studio and on stage, fashioning an undeniable and unique sound that would permanently alter the course of rock music. After six seminal releases, two Grammy Awards, countless sold out shows, and selling 35 million albums worldwide, Head left the group in 2004 to face the demons of addiction. KORN soldiered on, adding drummer Ray Luzier in 2007 and releasing four more full-length releases. In 2012, a triumphant and tear-filled reunion happened on stage as the group headlined the Carolina Rebellion Festival with Head reprising his legendary part on “Blind.” The initial bond came back into focus, and it was time for their next studio album, The Paradigm Shift, which seamlessly melds the group’s ever-present spirit of innovation with their signature metallic catharsis, paving the way for the future yet again. In 2014, KORN started their 20th anniversary celebrations, playing their critically acclaimed self-titled debut album in its entirety. The shows were so well received, the group continued the festivities into 2015, performing the record on tour to fans around the world. At present, KORN is back in the studio hard at work on their twelfth album set for release in 2016.
KORN’s complete U.S. tour routing for 2016 is:
Festival Appearance:
Chicago, IL
Chicago Open Air
Co-headlining with Rob Zombie
Englewood, CO
Fiddler’s Green Amphitheatre
Salt Lake City, UT
USANA Amphitheatre
Albuquerque, NM
Isleta Amphitheater
Phoenix, AZ
Ak-Chin Pavilion
Irvine, CA
Irvine Meadows Amphitheatre
Nampa (Boise), ID
Idaho Center Amphitheater
Auburn, WA
White River Amphitheatre
Mountain View, CA
Shoreline Amphitheatre
Las Vegas, NV
Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino
Austin, TX
Austin 360 Amphitheater
The Woodlands, TX
Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion
Dallas, TX
Gexa Energy Pavilion
Noblesville, IN
Klipsch Music Center
Cincinnati, OH
Riverbend Music Center
Maryland Heights, MO
Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre
Kansas City, MO
Cricket Wireless Amphitheater
Clarkston, MI
DTE Energy Music Theatre
Toronto, ON
Molson Canadian Amphitheatre
Cuyahoga Falls, OH
Blossom Music Center
Burgettstown, PA
First Niagara Pavilion
Syracuse, NY
Lakeview Amphitheater
Boston, MA
Xfinity Center
Holmdel, NJ
PNC Bank Arts Center
Hartford, CT
Xfinity Theatre
Camden, NJ
BB&T Pavilion
Bristow, VA
Jiffy Lube Live
Co-headlining with Breaking Benjamin
Fargo, ND
Scheels Arena
Omaha, NE
Baxter Arena
Cedar Rapids, IA
US Cellular Center
Peoria, IL
Peoria Civic Center
Festival Appearance:
Louisville, KY
Louder Than Life
Co-headlining with Breaking Benjamin
Charlotte, NC
PNC Music Pavilion
Pelham, AL
Oak Mountain Amphitheatre
Southaven, MS
Landers Center
Biloxi, MS
Mississippi Coast Coliseum
Tampa, FL
MIDFLORIDA Credit Union Amphitheatre at the FL State Fairgrounds
Jacksonville, FL
Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Coliseum
Alpharetta, GA
Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre


Moving Pictures with LAMB OF GOD

My photos of Lamb Of God live at Welcome To Rockville 2016!  All photos were taken by Luke Spencer in Jacksonville, FL on 5/1/2016.

The 8-Bit version of Laid To Rest was provided by xGameGuideGuyx.  You can find the song on his channel here = xGameGuideGuyx’s YouTube Channel

You can find all these photos in the album here = Photos: Lamb Of God at Welcome To Rockville 2016
