Home Photos Ded Open Day Two Of Aftershock | Photos

Ded Open Day Two Of Aftershock | Photos

Photos of Ded at Aftershock.
All photos taken by Luke Spencer
on October 12th, 2019 in Sacramento, CA.

Ded is back. With that, has come a new stage presence and intensity. Two years ago at Aftershock they closed out the side stage with smoke and white-out eye contacts. In 2019, they are shaking off the dust (literally) with their new image.

The band is currently getting ready to drop their newest single to SiriusXM Octane and hopefully will have their second album ready for the beginning of 2020. I said before when I saw the group at Louder Than Life that I’m curious to see if this new visual evolution will also reflect in their sound. Ded has earned a considerable fan base in a short amount of time so this could be another jumping on point for many others.

There is an undeniable energy on stage when they perform and that’s good to see. Whether you are into their style or not, Ded knows how to grab your attention when playing. As they already have that talent down early in their career, it’s a good sign that they will be around for a while.

You can check out some of the music from the band’s debut album below. Ded is currently touring with In This Moment and New Years Day (which is a solid lineup). You can find tour dates and more info on Ded’s Facebook page here: Ded on Facebook

“Hate Me”
“Remember The Enemy”