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Top 10 videos of various lists, because that's what YouTube loves most!
Banned Album Covers

10 Album Covers That Were Banned

Some of the best-selling albums from big names in music have had album art be controversial. This video looks at 10 album covers that were banned. Click...
The Sophomore Slump

10 Sophomore Slump Albums

In music history, there have been many times when huge bands and artists release a great debut, but then fail to deliver on the...
Onstage Injuries

10 Intense Onstage Injuries

Live music is an amazing experience, but what happens when musicians suffer for their craft? This video looks at 10 intense onstage injuries.  Click here...
Sophomore Albums

10 Amazing Sophomore Albums

A strong debut album is great, but when a band releases an amazing second album it can prove a band will stick around. This...
10 Extremely Misunderstood Songs

10 Extremely Misunderstood Songs

Some of the biggest songs people love to sing along with can get a bit awkward because they don’t know what they are singing...
10 Albums Critics Hated

10 Albums Critics Hated (At First)

Some of the best-selling and most beloved albums of all time were initially insulted, degraded, and hated by some critics. This video looks at...
Comeback Albums

8 Big Comeback Albums

Sometimes an artist or band will return from obscurity and make a big album reminding people of who they are. This video looks at...
5 Rockstars That Would Make Great Face Wrestlers

5 Rockstars That Would Make Great Face Wrestlers | Rocked

Last time we talked about which rockstars would be great at being awful. This time, we look at 5 rockstars that would make great face wrestlers. Let's cheer for the...

5 Rockstars Who Would Make Great Heel Wrestlers

Being the bad guy is an important role in wrestling. In the music world, some rockstars definitely could pull that off. With Wrestlemania season coming, this video takes...
Pantera Discography Tier List

Pantera Discography | Tier List (ft. Joe Numbas from Wrestling Soup)

Breaking down the Pantera discography and compromising where to put each album in a tier list from gold to trash. Joined by Joe Numbas of Wrestling...