Album Reviews

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Rocked: Russian Circles – Memorial

The voiceless Russian Circles release their new album filled with the soundtrack of every mood you can imagine.  How does the fifth full album from the Chicago trio compare to their already impressive discography?Please watch, comment and check ou...

Rocked: AFI – Burials

The new AFI album is finally hear and everyone is wondering if they will bring back the angsty emo sound they created years ago.  How does the new venture of Burials sound in 2013?Please watch, comment, and check out for...

Rocked: Trivium – Vengeance Falls

Trivium releases their 6th full album and brings the melodic side of metal to 2013.  Does Vengeance Falls capture the groove and intensity that the band once had?Please watch, comment, and check out for more!LI...

Rocked: Alter Bridge – Fortress

Alter Bridge brings their fourth full album with more heavy guitarwork and unique screaming.  Does this new album offer anything different than what we've already heard from the band?Please like, comment, subscribe, and check out f...

Rocked: The Red Paintings – The Revolution Is Never Coming

Austrailia's The Red Paintings brings forth an epic album filled with orchestral rock and dynamic sounds.  How does such a complex sound work out to the regular rock fans?Please watch, comment, and check out for more!LIKE Rocked on...

Rocked: Chvrches – The Bones Of What You Believe

Scotland's new alternative/synthesized group Chvrches (pronounced Churches) has released their debut.  How well will this electronically drenched album translate across the world?Please watch, comment, and check out for more!LIKE R...

Rocked: MGMT – MGMT

MGMT has promised that their new self-titled album will be the weirdest one yet.  Does that mean it's going to blow people away, or just make listeners skip the tracks?LIKE Rocked on Facebook here = Rocked on Twitter h...