Home Album Reviews Casey – How To Disappear | Album Review

Casey – How To Disappear | Album Review

How To Disappear somehow is if Explosions In The Sky and Thrice were combined and went post-hardcore. That sounds impossible but Casey the band make it work. Some of the guitar tones and swelling loud moments are massive. You hear the build-up and anticipation in songs like “Selah” and “Puncture Wounds To Heaven”. In some ways How To Disappear feels like it was plucked right out of the early 2000’s but kept today’s standards. This is an album you can get lost in. Every riff feels calculated and carries the weight of the listening experience. The album sounds dark one moment and then changes into something incredibly bright. Casey is moody and energetic. The title-track is great proof of all this. This is a band I’m glad I found out about because it’s something I feel sticks out in a good way. A band making music and not relying on a format. 8/10

Casey How To Disappear Album Review

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10 GREAT Punk Goes… Covers!

Casey “Selah”
Casey “How To Disappear”

“The album “How To Disappear” by the band Casey is a triumphant return, showcasing a broader and more subtly melancholic reflection on time passed. With interwoven melody, a focused palette, and cinematic ambition, the album triumphantly reclaims the band’s throne. Emotional, confessional, and downright therapeutic, the album is a testament to Casey’s reemergence as a band. Despite some mixed opinions, the album is praised for its intent and the enormity of its presence, making it a significant release for the band’s fans and the music scene in general.” (Perplexity)


Casey How To Disappear Album Review