Home Photos Anti-Flag Performing At Louder Than Life | Photos

Anti-Flag Performing At Louder Than Life | Photos

Photos of Anti-Flag performing at Louder Than Life.
All photos taken by Luke Spencer
in Louisville, KY on September 28th, 2019.

This morning, the Anti-Flag Instagram account sent out messages to followers with a message about gun debates and context in America, with a closing message of “Oct 4”. It was this past weekend where different messages were sent in Louisville, KY on stage at Louder Than Life.

Any band that is able to get a circle pit going in 94 degree weather proves that the musicians on stage have presence. It was Justin Sane and Chris Dos/No. 2 who were uniting a crowd on the same message about making a place where racism, sexism and other forms of hate would not exist.

It is a turbulent time in the United States due to political divisions (along with the many other issues that exist outside of left vs right). I am more than curious to see what Anti-Flag have to say through their new music which will hopefully be coming soon.

Die for the Government
The Press Corpse
This Is the End (For You My Friend)
Brandenburg Gate

You can find upcoming tour dates and
more info on Anti-Flag’s Facebook page here:
Anti-Flag on Facebook