Home The Podcast That Rocked Kid Rock’s Drunk Racist Handgun Interview | The Podcast That Rocked

Kid Rock’s Drunk Racist Handgun Interview | The Podcast That Rocked

The Podcast That Rocked for 5/21/24. Discussion on Kid Rock’s drunk racist handgun interview, Sonic Temple 2024 highlights and lowlights, billion stream songs, and more. 

The Podcast That Rocked on YouTube
The Podcast That Rocked on Spotify

Discussion Topics:
-Kid Rock got drunk for his planned interview and got racist while also waving a handgun around
-Sonic Temple 2024 highlights and lowlights 
-Bands with rock songs that have over a billion streams on Spotify (from Loudwire)
-Separate tours announced by Sevendust (Seasons 20th Anniversary Tour), Nothing More, Dropkick Murphys 

Click here for Dropkick Murphys’ 2024 Tour Dates!

“Kid Rock, the controversial musician known for his outspoken political views, found himself in hot water after a recent Rolling Stone interview. According to journalist David Peisner, during their conversation, Rock allegedly brandished a handgun, waving it around while shouting. The interview also revealed Rock’s liberal use of racial slurs, including repeatedly uttering the N-word. This incident has sparked outrage and criticism, further fueling the debate surrounding Rock’s embrace of far-right ideologies and his polarizing persona in the entertainment industry.

“In 2021, Kid Rock was caught on video using a homophobic slur onstage and later doubled down on using the slur in a social media post. In 2017, he made transphobic comments during a speech at his annual Fish Fry event, questioning LGBTQ+ rights and saying “whatever you have between your legs should determine the bathroom that you use.” (Perplexity)

Don’t listen to Kid Rock. It’s a message I will continue to spread until Kid Rock is finally done talking, because every time he talks things only get worse for everyone.


Kid Rock’s Drunk Racist Handgun Interview