Home Top 10's 10 Great Nu Metal Albums (yes, really)

10 Great Nu Metal Albums (yes, really)

Much of Nu Metal gets a bad rap (and sometimes deservedly so), but there were great Nu Metal bands and music. This video looks at 10 Great Nu Metal Albums.

10 Great Nu Metal Albums

Click here for a video on
10 Great Rock & Metal
Performances On Conan!

Thanks to everyone that suggested a video like this. There were quite a few of you and many people replied to the Twitter thread on what some of your favorite Nu Metal albums were back at the turn of the century.

I made this video in a different format and presentation than I normally do in an order to cut down on editing time. A big part of the creation process is sitting in Adobe Premiere for hours on end, and I wanted to see if I could cut down on that in order to get more videos to you overall. Here’s hoping you guys don’t mind seeing my face a bit more.

Please subscribe to the YouTube channel to get notified on upcoming videos as well as participate in the community page where I post updates specifically for YouTube. We also have New Music Night every Sunday on Twitch at 7PM EST. Hope to see you all there!