Home Top 10's 10 Bands That Responded To TROLLS Online 

10 Bands That Responded To TROLLS Online 

Don’t feed the trolls, unless they are so stupid that a lesson needs to be taught. This video looks at 10 Bands That Responded To TROLLS Online. 

10 Bands That Responded To TROLLS Online

The Podcast That Rocked = https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX0emSbyjltgHPwSIir_uQdq3gJ1gCnfD 

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“In the world of music, bands like Metallica and Rage Against The Machine have not only captivated audiences but have also sparked intense discussions among fans and critics alike. This often leads to trolls and commentators feeling embarrassed when their opinions clash with the powerful messages conveyed by these iconic groups. For instance, Rage Against The Machine’s politically charged lyrics in songs like “Killing In the Name” challenge societal norms and provoke thought, leaving some listeners scrambling to justify their views in the face of such compelling artistry. Similarly, Metallica’s deep exploration of themes like personal struggle and societal issues can leave critics feeling outmatched, especially when the band’s legacy and fanbase are considered. As these musicians continue to influence the music scene, the embarrassment felt by some commentators highlights the ongoing tension between personal opinions and the profound impact of these bands’ messages.” (Perplexity)